Branding with Green Screens
Do you have large-scale ideas for your video marketing strategy but only a small-scale budget? Green Screens are an easy way to brand...

Branding through Youtube
Youtube is a critical marketing tool for practically any company in any industry. Learn how to use this to your advantage by including...

Online Video Ads
Starring our Intern Erica: Ever wonder why there are so many videos filling up your news-feed on social media? It's because experts find...

Drone Operation
Starring our Intern Jim : Drone shots are an amazing addition to any film or ad. However, not only can they be dangerous, the laws...

Sound Quality
When making a video, sound quality is just as, if not more, important than the actual image. Make sure you aren't lowering the overall...

Employee Training
Getting your employees to retain information can be hard with written manuals. That's because humans are visual learners. Try using...

Employee Engagement
In this video we talk about Employee Engagement! Video is an easy way to engage your employees and clarify business developments. It is...

Customer Engagement
In our first MBS Vlog, we discuss the importance of customer engagement. Let’s face it video is the future and it's unavoidable. So why...